Safe Sun Exposure

The sun is more than just a source of light - it's a powerful natural tool that helps our body refuel and recharge. By exposing ourselves to sunlight, we can help our minds, body, and soul to re-energize. The sun's benefits are numerous and play a crucial role in maintaining our body's natural rhythm. From aiding our sleep, stabilizing our hormones, to providing us with Vitamin D, the sun is a key player in our body's overall health. Vitamin D, especially, is vital for many processes in our body, including calcium absorption, immune function, and preventing cancerous cells. As there are only two natural ways to obtain this vitamin, it's essential to understand how to get enough of it healthily. By adding foods such as salmon, sardines, raw dairy, and egg yolks into our diet and getting moderate sun exposure, we'll help our body's natural processes function optimally.

A pinking dose of unprotected sun exposure is considered the healthy, happy medium, but only at the point of burning your skin. When you've had enough sun, cover up with clothing or shade. This does the same job - safely!

It's essential to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays, but when choosing your sunscreen, it's also crucial to look for natural and safe ingredients. Nowadays, most sunscreens are chemical-based, which can block the beneficial rays of sunlight that are responsible for giving us vitamin D and that beautiful tanned look. Additionally, some of the chemicals found in common sunscreens can also be dangerous and linked to cancer risks. It's a bit of a paradox, but thankfully there are safe alternatives available, such as zinc oxide-based sunscreens. Beauty Counter sunscreen is a great option that is both sustainable and healthy, making it easy to protect yourself while enjoying the sun.

Did you know that the sunburst you feel on your skin during sunny days might be due to the oxidation of polyunsaturated fats and chemicals stored in your body? This is why it's crucial to swap processed foods and Seed Oils for high-quality saturated fats like salmon, sardines, raw dairy, and egg yolks. Indeed, healthy choices are essential to protect our skin from the inside out. By taking a more natural holistic approach to our life, our skin will react much more positively to sun exposure. Interestingly, wearing sunglasses while sunbathing can actually increase your risk of sunburn! Rather than relying on sunglasses, our eyes need to be exposed to the sunlight to produce melanin and protect our skin. So next time you head to the beach, leave your shades at home and safely embrace the sun!

Follow these tips to bask in the energizing and healing rays of the sun in a way that supports your life and biology. From proper hydration to protective clothing, you'll be able to safely and comfortably soak up the sun in no time!

If you have any questions, drop a comment on my Instagram page or send me an email!




Voyageurs National Park


North Shore, MN